We are CTM

"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome."

 Arthur Ashe
Mozambican national team in Portugal in the 80s

Who we are

CTM is a sports association, open to all national and foreign citizens. Its main purpose is the practice and promotion of court tennis, and it has the freedom to organize other activities so long as the members deliberate in General Assembly.

We are a private entity associated with the Mozambican Tennis Federation (FMT). The FMT coordinates tennis activities throughout the country, promotes its development and represents the country in international institutions, particularly the International Tennis Federation (ITF).

The Club has stood out for its various activities and achievements, of which the following are noteworthy:
  • Balanced and effective administrative and financial management
  • Regular operation of the Tennis School, whose student numbers of students have been increasing every year
  • Annual realization of several tournaments of the club itself, of which we highlight the Club Championship, and those of commemorative dates of the city or of national level
  • Conservation and periodic maintenance of the playing fields; as a rule, the 6 fields have been resealed every 5 years
  • Availability of the courts for national championships and open tournaments in collaboration with the FMT
  • Facilitating free access to the courts for young players with fewer financial resources. Some of these players have won several tournaments and are national champions
  • Holding social events on the occasion of holidays, feast days and birthdays


Board members

Cesar Bento Madivadua
Arnaldo Simango
Vice President:
Administration and Finance Area
Armenian Magane
Vice President:
Competitions and Initiation Area
Bruno Figueiredo
Orlando Nipassa
Robert Bakker
Carlos Sequeira
Jorge Octavio
Janete Colombo
Atílio Alberto
Nuno Quelhas
António Manuel Correia Lopes

Supervisory board

Arnaldo Nhavoto
Jose Tembe
Frederico Rocuts

General Assembly Board

Daniel Gabriel Tembe
Gulamo Nabi
Vice President
Vitorino Almeida

Administrative assistance

Teresa Fernando Libombo
Moises Cavele
Inocencio Noa
Carlos Manjate
Alzira Nhazilo
Ildo Sebastião
Januário Macalissa
Ricardo Zefanias
Francisco Santos
Samuel Hyacinth

Club statutes

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Tennis School

Registration for the Tennis School, 2022 edition, is open until February 6th.

Monthly fee
3,500 MT
Trainers internationally certified by the ITF
Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays
One-hour periods between 3pm and 6pm*.
Group classes
Beginner and intermediate levels
For all ages

*There are no tennis school classes in the mornings or weekends

Membership fees

2,000 MT fee + 1,000 MT p/month
Priority court usage
Exempt from court rental fees
Couples and family
2,000 MT fee + 1,500 MT p/month
Priority court usage
Exempt from court rental fees
Discount relative to the package for individuals

temporary member

Temporary member
6,000 MT p/month
Priority court usage
Court fee exemption

Collective membership

Collective membership
10,000 MT fee + 10,000 MT p/month
Priority court usage
Court fee exemption

Penalties for late payment of fees

First month of late payment of fees = payment of court rental fee every time you want to play.
Up to 3 months late payment = Member status will be lost and immediately suspended.
Late payment of more than 1 year = Membership will be reviewed and may be cancelled.

Other costs

Class Fees: 300.00 MT
Field Rental for use by non-members: 550.00 MT
Illumination Fees for all athletes: 200.00 MT
Court Rental for use by Members and Non-members: 275.00 MT

Regulation of the use of the courts

  1. Priority is given to members in a social role to use the courts;
  2. The booking of courts for classes should be done no more than one hour in advance;
  3. The cancellation of a field scheduled for class, must be 3h in advance, if this period is not verified, the teacher is subject to the payment of said fee;
  4. On weekends and holidays, or whenever there is a large flow of players, preference should be given to the modality of doubles, in order to make better use of the available fields and interested users;
  5. The number of courts used simultaneously for teaching is a maximum of 3, and the marking must be made in the teacher's name;
  6. a) Those in which the teacher uses more than 3 balls on the court; b) Those in which the teacher plays with any person (member or non-member), even if using the same or less than 3 balls;
  7. Class duration should be a maximum of one hour, with no consecutive appointments for members and monitors;
  8. From Tuesday to Thursday, classes are allowed from 8 am to 5 pm;
  9. Starting at 17:00 (Monday through Friday), all pitch usage is taken as pitch rental for non-members and teachers;
  10. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, classes are allowed from 6-8am in the morning and in the afternoon from 4pm on;
  11. During Tennis School classes, it is not possible to use courts 1,2,3 because of the flow of students from 3pm, 4pm, 5pm and 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays;
  12. Members and non-members who wish to receive private tennis lessons with private teachers must pay the fee at the club office;
  13. All competitions organized at the club must comply with the rules and fees for renting courts for private tournaments;
  14. The competitions referred to in 13, when organized among members, will not be subject to the rental fee on condition that they are held during off-hours (Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, morning from 6 am to 8 am and afternoon from 2 pm or Monday to Friday from 8 am to 2 pm), otherwise they should follow the rules of private tournaments;
  15. The scheduling of more than 1 field in advance and when it is not during off-hours (from 9 am to 2 pm during the week), are considered as private tournaments and must obey the provisions of point 13;
  16. Field 4 is reserved for veterans whenever they wish to use it, Monday through Friday from 4 PM on.
  17. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, fields 4, 5, and 6 are not subject to scheduling.
  18. Only Members with dues in good standing will have the privileges of membership;
  19. You will lose your appointment in case of: Not having the fees up to date, not paying the class fee in advance, or if you step on or are invited to play on another field outside the scheduled field;
  20. Those who have not played that day have priority on court usage over those who have played;
  21. You can only schedule another court, or time after you have played, if the courts are available or if there is not another player waiting;
  22. Students subsidized by the Club will use the courts when they are free, but they cannot make book courts;
  23. It is the users' responsibility to present themselves appropriately dressed for the practice of tennis. The acceptable attire for CTM is as follows:
    Men: Shorts, T-shirt and rubber-soled sneakers.
    Ladies: Skirt or shorts, t-shirt/blouse and rubber-soled sneakers.
  24. Contact the Club secretary at 845593569 or 21427027 for general information and to find out about the availability of the courts through the online booking system.
Maputo Tennis Club